Sunday, March 27, 2011

Nak Paparkan Gambar beserta link di dalam CakePHP 1.3

Nak Paparkan Gambar beserta link di dalam CakePHP 1.3

HTML special characters in $title will be converted to HTML entities. To disable this conversion, set the escape option to false in the $options array.

  1. echo $this->Html->link(
  2. $this->Html->image("recipes/6.jpg", array("alt" => "Brownies")),
  3. "recipes/view/6",
  4. array('escape' => false)
  5. );
  6. ?>

CakePHP 1.2: $html->link with html or image.

A good tutorial for CakePHP I took from DLMax, thanks Max!!!

In CakePHP 1.1 if you need to display an image or piece of HTML with a link to an action, you need to instruct cake NOT to escape the contents of the “Title” attribute with the last false statement like this:

e( $html->link(   $html->image("add.gif"),   array('action' => 'add'),   array(),   null,   false ));

In CakePHP 1.2 you could rewrite this to:

e( $html->link(   $html->image("add.gif"),   array('action' => 'add'),   array('escape' => false)));